Moo Moo Blue Cow
“Moo Moo Blue Cow” is a book created with your little readers in mind. Upon completion of sight word review (provided on the front page) your child will build the confidence to successfully read “Moo Moo Blue Cow” in its entirety. Laying a strong reading foundation is imperative, so let’s make it fun!
Level 1 Reading: Pre-K/ Kindergarten
“Moo Moo Blue Cow” is a book created with your little readers in mind. Upon completion of sight word review (provided on the front page) your child will build the confidence to successfully read “Moo Moo Blue Cow” in its entirety. Laying a strong reading foundation is imperative, so let’s make it fun!
Level 1 Reading: Pre-K/ Kindergarten
“Moo Moo Blue Cow” is a book created with your little readers in mind. Upon completion of sight word review (provided on the front page) your child will build the confidence to successfully read “Moo Moo Blue Cow” in its entirety. Laying a strong reading foundation is imperative, so let’s make it fun!
Level 1 Reading: Pre-K/ Kindergarten